Our Mission Is Simple
Our goal is simple…We want to do two things for you! First, We actually want to get you trading the markets successfully so you can take your power back and own your own time!!! Second, and this is an IMPORTANT one…We want to save you from falling victim to the establishment! We want to save you from their predatory type business practices that they have…These guys only have their best interests in mind. How do we know that? Just look at the false promises. Listen to the narrative…It’s truly criminal! We want to be part of the solution to what has been a HUGE problem for ages! Our team is here to offer you a health alternative. Something that the public has been asking for. You asked for it and we delivered it…Change is here.

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My Day Trading Routine
The truth of the matter is EVERY successful trader has a routine that they follow. Whether its for Day Trading, Swing Trading or looking at longer term investments. EVERY participant has some form of a routine that they subscribe to. A traders routine, simply put, are a series of steps that are taken to set themselves up for success. 
That routine, in my case anyways, is part of an overall trading plan. As most of you know by now I specialize in Day Trading so my routine is a series of steps that I take first thing in the morning. These steps are repeated every single day in the same order! I have found over the years that my early morning routine helps me get in sync with the market before the opening bell. By the time the session starts at 9:30am EST I'm already in a flow and can understand the market better vs. just jumping in at the bell. 

It is paramount and of the utmost importance that a trader has a solid routine. Reason being is that it sets the tone for the trading session. Again, being a Day Trader, my routine starts roughly an hour before the market opens (pre-market) and runs for the first two-three hours of the trading session. It’s in that pre-market time frame ( 1 hour before the market opens) that I'm looking at Market Movers and going over what my proprietary scanner is producing. I’m creating a shortlist of tradeable opportunities and going over a few other details that I must know before the market opens. 

Although I'm not trading the overall markets (SPY, QQQ, DIA etc) I am watching them to see what direction they’re heading in and seeing if there is any correlation between markets and the stocks that I'm looking to trade. Once I have some insight into how the markets and stocks that i am watching are setting up I wait on the actual market to open...obviously. Sidenote, there have been countless sessions where things look great pre-market and end up being an epic fail once the market opens. With that said I typically, once the market opens, give the market time to “wake up”. I’ll sit for a few minutes to get an understanding of what the market's intentions are and I'll act accordingly.
Any action steps that I employ once the market has opened is based on the work that I've done pre-market, accompanied with what is happening in the live session. Remember, once the market has opened I'm sitting on a few stocks that I've been watching that have come to my attention via my scanner and I'm watching my short list of other long/short opportunities. 

Part of my routine is waiting on the market to “wake up” as I mentioned. Once the market and the stocks I have been watching “wake up” I start to focus on which stocks are continuously working towards setting up tradeable opportunities. Once I've been given a set up that fits my profile I will use my “rules based approach” to get into a position. The following day I will do the same thing over again. The primary challenge with this blog is that I'm not able to give you a fair depiction of how my actual routine looks in real-time. It's for that reason that I have actually created a Day Trading Video Series that follows me though my daily routine. You’ll actually be able to see in real time how I'm scanning for stocks, picking the best opportunities and the patterns that I'm using to enter a trade. I also cover risk management tools I use as well as where and how I exit positions in profit! The video series is part of a larger offer called the Day Trading Bootcamp!'

 The J.Lewis Trading Team has developed this comprehensive program that dives right into the nuts and bolts of Day Trading with a focus on getting people to a position of clear understanding of how to approach day trading.  

About Author: Julian Lewis

I have been trading for close to 10 years and have been a Trading Performance Coach for the last 7 years! Trading is not as difficult as you may think! We’ve been made to believe that only a small group of hyper intelligent mathematicians and rocket scientists can run Wall Street. That idea could NOT be further from the truth. 

My goal is simple…I want to do two things for you! First, I actually want to get you trading the markets successfully so you can take your power back and own your own time!!! Second, and this is an IMPORTANT one…I want to save you from falling victim to the establishment! I want to save you from their predatory type business practices that they have…These guys only have their best interests in mind. How do we know that? Just look at the false promises. Listen to the narrative…It’s truly criminal!  ..
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